Water Sewer

Rosendale Water and Sewer

Mandy Donald - Taylor McGrane - Water/Sewer Clerk

Town Board Liaison: Councilman Havranek

Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for 2023:

Click to View Report

Click the link below to make a Credit Card payment online: *Should you use your credit card to make your payment at the end of your process it will show the fees incurred before you approve the final payment. Should you choose not to use the credit card as payment cancel the process*


The Town of Rosendale Water District provides potable water to the residents of the Town. It is a financially independent district, all revenues received from water charges and other related activities stay within the District and are the only source of revenue the District has to fund its operation. No revenues are received from Federal, State or local taxes. The District is overseen by a Board of Commissioners whose responsibilities include setting policy and establishing rules and regulations.

The Town of Rosendale Sewer District maintains the sewage collection and treatment facilities. Again, this District is a financially independent district, all revenues received from sewer charges and other related activities stay within the District and are the only source of revenue the District has to fund its operation. No revenues are received from Federal, State or local taxes. The District is overseen by a Board of Commissioners whose responsibilities include setting policy and establishing rules and regulations.

The Rosendale Water and Sewer District has an office in Town Hall at 1915 Lucas Avenue Cottekill, NY 12419. She can be reached at 845-658-3159 ext. 2 with any questions or concerns.

Rosendale Water and Sewer Rates

Water meters are read quarterly and bills are mailed as follows:

1st Quarter on March 30, 2nd Quarter an June 30, 3rd Quarter on September 30, and 4th Quarter on December 31. Bills are due upon receipt and are assessed a late fee after 30 days.

Water Rates per Quarter: 0 to 4,000 gallons – $55.00 , over 4,000 gallons is an additional $5.50 per thousand gallons

Sewer Rates per Quarter: 0 to 4,000 gallons $70.00, over 4,000 gallons is an additional $5.50 per thousand gallons

Multi Family dwellings must pay a minimum fee for each unit.

$ 20.00 for ALL shut off / turn on
$ 50.00 for all emergency shut off (any time of the day or night)

Conservation Tips


Do you know how much water you use where you live? Your water meter knows. It keeps track of every drop. Day in and day out like an ever faithful servant, it calculates the amount of clean, clear drinking water pouring through your pipes.

Take a morning shower, have a refreshing drink, do the dishes or wash clothes, water the lawn, it’s all recorded on the meter’s dial. Is that useful for you to know? It could be. Meters read straight across like the odometer on a car. The meter always reads every 10 gallons.

Do your part to use water wisely. Your water meter can help.

The Town of Rosendale is currently in the process of installing new water meters. Please call to schedule an appointment to have your new water meter installed if it has not been done already.

Sewer District Requirements for Service

PERMITS: Permits must be obtained from the Rosendale Sewer District before any work is started. Permits for road or street openings must be obtained from the Highway Department having jurisdiction in that area. The excavator must contact UFPO at 1-800-962-7962 at least 2 days prior to digging.

TYPE OF PIPE: Medium or standard weight cast iron soil pipe, or ABS or PVC SDR 23.5, or ABS or PVC Drain Vent and Waste pipe Schedule 40 or PVC SDR35

SIZE OF PIPE: Minimum is 4” (minimum slope of 1/4” per foot), 6” pipe for laterals of 100’ in length (minimum slope of 1/8” per foot.

BEDDING: All pipe is to be bedded in at least 6” of gravel, crushed stone, or sand.

DEPTH: The depth shall be sufficient to afford protection from frost.

HOUSE PLUMBING: All sewer services are to have a clean-out before service enters the building, and will be equipped with a house trap and fresh air vent before any branch or fixture. The only fittings preceding above the trap and fresh air vent will be clean-outs or offsets or adapters. Minimum size of trap and fresh air vent will be 4”. Where horizontal bends of more than 11 1/2 degrees are required, clean-outs will be installed. All installations will be required to have a vent through the roof of the building and in most cases the present vent will be accepted.

SURFACE WATER: Collar drains and sump pumps will not be allowed for the purposes of relieving surface water or infiltration of surface water into the sewers. All surface water and rain leaders are to be omitted from sanitary piping.

INSPECTION: No trench is to be backfilled and no service is to be granted until the line has been inspected and approved by the Sewer District personnel. If a trench is filled before inspection is made, the plumber to whom a permit is issued must re-excavate the trench for inspection.

FEES: No Permit will be issued until all fees have been paid.

Permit Fee: $ 25.00
Tapping Fee: $100.00
Connection Fee Residential: $500.00
Connection Fee Commercial , 4” lateral: $1,000.00 per unit
Connection Fee Commercial, 6” lateral: $1,500.00 per unit

High Falls Water District


Clerk: Joyce Cain
(845) 486-1030

The High Falls Water District is made up of approximately 210 properties. These properties lie in both the Towns of Rosendale and Marbletown. The Water District is jointly supervised by the Town Boards of both Towns. It will be managed by the Rosendale Water Department.

There is a Water District Commission that shall serve in an advisory capacity to both Town Boards and be subject to Town Board direction and oversight. The term of the customer Commissioners shall be three years. The Commissioners shall meet regularly and provide recommendations for operations, capital cost and extensions of the High Falls Water District, along with an advisory role in connection with cooperation and contract with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection and the New York City Water Board.

The Rates for users in the district will be as follows:

Water usage per quarter: 0-5,000 gallons is $75.00, any usage over 5,000 gallons is an additional $12.00 per thousand gallons.

The Rules and Regulations for the High Falls Water District are available at the Rosendale Town Hall, 1915 Lucas Avenue Cottekill, NY 12419 or at the Marbletown Town Hall, 1925 Lucas Avenue, Cottekill. They can also be viewed by View the information (Please note that this will bring up the entire Chapter 73 of the Code Of The Town Of Rosendale, the specific article dealing with the High Falls Water District begins on page 17)

Rosendale Water and Sewer


1915 Lucas Avenue
Cottekill, NY 12419


During Business hours 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

845-658-3159 Ext. 8


After Hours Emergencies ONLY:

Rosendale Police Department 845-658-9000 OR 911


Contact Info

Phone: 845-658-3159 Ext. 8
Contact: Mandy Donald

[email protected]
Water Sewer Clerk Hours:
Monday - Friday from 9:00 - 4:00 

High Falls Water

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 217
Stone Ridge, New York 12484

Physical location:

1925 Lucas Avenue
Cottekill, NY 12419




Joyce Cain
(845)687-7500 ext.2
[email protected]

Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.