Covid-19 updates

Updated – Directive Regarding the COVID-19 Virus

Due to the recent COVID-19 virus outbreak and the State of Emergency from Ulster County the following applies:

Rosendale Residents, Please be advised to take every precaution recommended by healthcare professionals to keep yourselves healthy during the Coronavirus, COVID-19 outbreak in our area.

You may find information and links to important information that will help to keep you and your family safe and healthy during this time on the Ulster County webpage for information on COVID-19.

For COVID-19 Vaccination Resource Center with locations, information and FAQ go to COVID-19 VACCINATION RESOURCE CENTER

If you find yourself or a loved one are sick and you are not sure what to do please call; ULSTER COUNTY COVID-19 HOTLINE: 845-443-8888


~Please be advised that the Town of Rosendale Town Hall is now open by (we highly suggest making appointments for anyone that needs to do business in person). Please call (845) 658-3159 or email to set up your appointment with the proper department. You can find the full list of Departments and their contact information on the Town of Rosendale website under “Contacts”. Residents are still encouraged to do business via phone, email or mail whenever possible. If you are vaccinated you do not have to wear a mask, but be aware some offices may require you wear a mask.

~All Committee, Commission and Board meetings will be in person.

~ Transfer Station is open.