Ulster County Rental Assistance Information
HOME > Ulster County Rental Assistance Information
06-12 2020 | General Announcements
The County of Ulster has rental assistance available for tenants impacted by COVID-19. We are hoping you will either post the below information with links or share our post on your social media pages to help get the information in the hands of your residents.
The Ulster County COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program can supply up to three months of rental payments up to $3,000.00. Eligible tenants , OUTSIDE THE CITY OF KINGSTON that have had a loss or reduction in income, may be eligible for assistance.
Link to the application: https://rupco.org/ulster-county-covid-19-rental-assistance-program-now-open/
Application Dates and Deadlines:
- Friday, June 12, 2020 at 2pm Deadline for application submittal
- Friday June 22, 2020 is the deadline for submission of all required documents
- The Lottery will be held on June 23, 2020
To share our post you may access that here: https://www.facebook.com/RUPCO/photos/a.10150330970383065/10159885187203065/?type=3&theater