Ulster County Electrical Licensing Law Effective 1-1-2022

HOME > Ulster County Electrical Licensing Law Effective 1-1-2022

09-27 2021 |

Please Be Aware:




Attention, Electricians: We need your help to insure a smooth transition
If you are currently doing electrical work in Ulster County and are planning on
continuing to do so, your time is running out to obtain an Ulster County electrical license.
Although you have until the end of this year (2021), it is wise to apply now. It takes time to
process your application, approve it, and either grant a license, deny a license, or schedule a
time for you to take the exam. If you fail the exam and need to be re-tested, additional time
for studying would be required.
Because both the City of Kingston & the Village of Saugerties are located in Ulster
County, this pertains to City of Kingston and Village of Saugerties license holders as well. If you
hold one of these licenses, you will also need an Ulster County license in order to continue
working in the City, the Village and all the other municipalities.
If you qualify for the grandfather provision, you must still submit an application with
payment and proof of insurance, in order to receive a license. This will not just be issued to you
By visiting https://ulstercountyny.gov/electrical-licensing-board you will find the
following tabs on the left side, as well as others:
Local Law eCODE 360 (The law as adopted)
Master Electrician application form (Where you will find the application instructions and the
requirements for testing and/or being grandfathered in PDF documents)
Exam information (What you can bring in with you)
Exam dates and locations (There are only three more scheduled dates at this time, 10/14/2021,
11/18/2021 & 12/9/2021)
Exam sample test questions (A good preparation for what to expect)
Fee chart (Where you will find the fee schedule PDF document)
NOTE: Any building permits that were pulled prior to 01-01-22 will allow the electrician who
started the project to finish it, regardless of that individual’s licensing status, as this law was
not in affect at the time of the inception of the project.