Public Meeting RCPRC
HOME > Public Meeting RCPRC
11-10 2020 | Public Notice
Notice of a Public Meeting for the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee
Please take notice, the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee (RCPRC) is inviting Rosendale Residents to our FIRST PUBLIC RCPRC MEETING on Tuesday, November 10 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm!
Rosendale residents are invited to the RCPRC’s first virtual public meeting and listening session for an honest and open discussion about the relationship between the police and the community. There will be a brief update from the committee, plenty of time for public comments, and a brief update on the community survey.
The meeting will be streamed live on the Town of Rosendale Town Hall Facebook page (search “Town of Rosendale Town Hall” on Facebook). You can submit comments during the meeting via Facebook live, and a dial-in number will also be provided for those who wish to comment by phone during the meeting.
If you are unable to attend the meeting and would like to share comments BEFORE or AFTER the meeting, you can do so using the information below, but please note we will not be checking the committee’s e-mail address or comment line during the meeting:
via email at: [email protected]
or by calling our comment line at: (845) 658-0245
A recording of the meeting will be saved to the Town Facebook page.