January 19, 2021 | All Minutes
JANUARY 19, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 Pm followed by the pledge.
Present Via Zoom:
Supervisor Jeanne L Walsh
Councilman Christopher Pryslopski
Councilman Matthew Igoe
Councilwoman Carrie Wykoff
Councilman Ernest Klepeis
Also Present: Deputy Supervisor Kenneth Hassett, Jill La Fera; Assistant to the Supervisor and Kimberly Cole; Bookkeeper
Councilman Pryslopski and Deputy Supervisor Hassett reviewed the following accounts; Bookkeeper, Solar lights, Justice Court, Tax Collector and Town Clerk and all were in order and accounted for.
Councilwoman Wyckoff reviewed the General Fund and all accounts are in order and accounted for.
Councilman Igoe reviewed the accounts for Water/Sewer and NY Rising and all are in order and accounted for.
Councilman Klepeis reviewed the accounts for Highway, Street lighting, Capital Reserve, Van fund and Payroll. All accounts were in order and accounted for.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to approve the Audit for the fiscal year of 2020, 2nd by Councilwoman Wycoff. 5 YES.
Resolution 01-2021-#15 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town board of the Town of Rosendale hereby approve the budgetary transfers, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.
Resolution 01-21-#16Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby authorize the Supervisor to sign the agreement with Ashley Mechanical, 2nd by Councilwoman Wycoff. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion at 6:00 Pm to adjourn, 2nd by Councilman Igoe, ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mandy Donald
Town Clerk