Rosendale Police Commission April 27, 2021 Minutes

HOME > Rosendale Police Commission April 27, 2021 Minutes

April 21, 2021 | All Minutes


Commissioners Supervisor Jeanne Walsh, Anthony Stenta, Joe Hafner


April 27, 2021 Police Commission Meeting
Rondout Municipal Center
2:32 p.m. Meeting called to Order
Pledge of Allegiance: Chief Schaffrick


PRESENT:  Commissioner Hafner, Commissioner Stenta, Chief Schaffrick, Councilman Igoe

ABSENT:  Supervisor Walsh

Chief Schaffrick recommended that approving the minutes from March 23, 2021 be put off until next month; 2nd by Commissioner Stenta; Roll Vote:  2 Yes; Opposed: 0; Abstentions: 0; Absent: Supervisor Walsh.


Chief Schaffrick received another letter from Carolyn Bordenstein thanking the police officers for what they do for the community.  Chief Schaffrick received a letter from David Andrews complimenting Officer Lapp for his professionalism and respectful manner during a traffic stop.

Chief Schaffrick shared a letter he had sent regarding reassigning three new 911 addresses for property located at 540 Springtown Road where there were 4 different residences. Chief Schaffrick has correspondence regarding a resignation and potential hirings which will be discussed in Executive Session.


Chief’s Report:

Personnel:  Training:  Chief Schaffrick stated that the department is hosting 2 trainings on May 17, 2021. The first being a first responder’s training for a drowning incident and the second training is for being the first on scene of a personal injury automobile and/or fatal accident. Investigator Fischer will be contacting the local Fire Departments Chiefs to invite to the trainings.

Councilman Matt Igoe joined the meeting.

Training for Officer Safety – Chief Schaffrick is waiting for the training schedule for 2021 from the Ulster County Law Enforcement Center and he is trying to coordinate cycle training.

Patrol Vehicles: Chief Schaffrick stated that he went to Connecticut last week for the Tesla and is working with Patrol PC to get the computer installed and hopefully the car will be done next week.  Chief Schaffrick stated that he has added new license plates for more visibility and additional markings will go on the back of the vehicles next week.  Chief Schaffrick stated that he will be meeting soon with Enterprise Leasing to discuss leasing patrol vehicles.  7F363 the engine went last week and repair is about $8,000.00, so the vehicle is out of service.  Chief is looking for a replacement vehicle.

Computers/Server:  The new server is up and running and transitioning from TRACS 10 to TRACS 17 which is the latest update from New York State.

Body Cameras:  Chief Schaffrick is working with WatchGuard for the body worn cameras. He has completed the grant management program and found out that they switched their system and that there are 3 different applications that are needed but he is on track to get the body worn cameras up and operational in May.

Grants:  Chief Schaffrick is waiting to hear from the County on the grant that was filed regarding reimbursement for items that we purchased for the new discovery laws.  Chief completed and submitted to the NYS Governor Traffic Safety the paperwork for that grant for next year. Chief Schaffrick has an allocation meeting on this Thursday with Ulster County STOP DWI and asked for additional funding. Chief Schaffrick stated that when you see more than one police vehicle on the road, a lot of times that second car is being paid for by a grant that we have received which is additional funding we have received to work on enforcement detail in specific areas and which is no additional cost to the Town.

STATS:  Chief Schaffrick will report next month.  Chief Schaffrick stated that he has added additional Aggressive Driver details and DWI Patrols, during the evening hours, which are through grant funding.

Old Business:

National Night Out:  Chief Schaffrick is looking to do this during the summer months and he will report back next month.

Councilman Igoe asked about grants and funding and Chief Schaffrick discussed the process of it.

Councilman Igoe stated that the first draft of the time schedule of the Police Reform Committee’s recommendations has been written and they have a couple of months before that has to be released.

Commissioner Hafner made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel which is the resignation and hiring and Collective Bargaining Agreement with regards to the Rosendale PBA; 2nd by Commissioner Stenta.  Roll Vote:  2 Yes; Opposed: 0; Abstentions: 0; Absent: Supervisor Walsh.

Executive Session ended at 3:19 p.m.  Commissioner Stenta made a motion to adjourn at 3:19 p.m. 2nd by Commissioner Hafner. Roll Vote:  2 Yes; Opposed: 0; Abstentions: 0; Absent: Supervisor Walsh.


Respectfully submitted,

Peggy Dingman

Deputy Town Clerk