April 8, 2020 Town Board Minutes

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April 8, 2020 | All Minutes

Supervisor Walsh called the meeting to order at 9:00 am with the Pledge to the Flag at the Rondout Municipal Center followed by a moment of silence for Eileen R. Glass.


Councilman Mathew Igoe (via speakerphone)

Councilman Ernest Klepeis (via speakerphone)

Councilman Christopher Pryslopski (via speakerphone)

Councilman John Hughes (via speakerphone)

Supervisor Jeanne L. Walsh

ALSO PRESENT: Jill La Fera; Assistant to the Supervisor.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to approve the March 11th minutes, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Supervisor Walsh stated that the Town of Rosendale webpage has information on various ways to get help during the Coronavirus pandemic. It will continue to be updated as information comes in. Letters were delivered to local businesses informing them of the social distancing protocols to follow to keep their employees and patrons safe.

Committee Reports:

Councilman Igoe (RMC):

  • They received a quote for the controller in the Marbletown wing for $8,000.00.
  • The buildings custodian is focusing his time on sanitizing the rooms and common areas.

Councilman Igoe (Highway):

  • Employees are reduced to working every other week.

Councilman Igoe (Police):

  • Congratulations their newly appointed Chief of Police, Scott Schaffrick.

Councilman Igoe (Youth):

  • Took in $21,587.00; most of that is from camp registrations so hopefully that will still be able to happen this year but for now camp is on hold.

Councilman Igoe (NY Rising):

  • The substantial Completion Certificate has been issued for the generator on lower James Street.

Councilman Igoe (Food Pantry):

  • They want the public to know that they are open and using all safety precautions.

Councilman Pryslopski (Town Clerk’s):

  • They are working limited office hours but will continue to update the website and facebook page as new information comes in.
  • There is a drop box outside the office door for residents that need to drop off/pick up items

Councilman Pryslopski (Transfer Station):

  • They are working limited hours.
  • They ask that residents use gloves and masks if they are visiting the Transfer Station.

Councilman Hughes (Planning):

  • This months meeting was canceled.

Councilman Hughes (Water/Sewer):

  • They have not met, there is nothing new to report.

Councilman Hughes (ZBA):

  • The meeting this month was canceled.

Councilman Hughes reminded the public that if they are in need of meals and unable to leave their home they should go to the Ulster County Covid-19 website and sign up for Project Resilience. It costs nothing to sign up, the food is made by local restaurants and brought right to your door by volunteers.

Councilman Klepeis (seniors):

  • Lunches are still being delivered.
  • If anyone calls for your social security number do not give it out. No one from the Town or Government would call and ask for that information over the phone.

Councilman Klepeis (Chamber of Commerce/Economic):

  • The Chamber of Commerce and Economic Commission has been working with local businesses to give them information for loans and grants available to keep them afloat.

Councilman Klepeis (Tax Collector):

  • Paid the $900,000.00 tax warrant

Supervisor’s Report Read.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to appoint Scott Schaffrick to Chief of Police effective 4/6/2020 at $33,205.00 per year, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to increase the salary of Mark Fuller to $14.00 per hour for completing his probation effective 4/6/2020, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to increase the salary for Joseph La Fera to $14.00 effective 4/6/2020, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 4 Yes, Supervisor Walsh abstained.

  1. Resolution 4-2020-#1 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes the Supervisor to sign the contract with Brinnier & Larios for MS4 consulting for the 2020-2021 year, 2nd by Councilman Hughes. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  2. Resolution 4-2020#2 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes the Supervisor to sign Annual Software Support Contract with Williamson Law Book Company for $1,595.00, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to pay the bills, 2nd by Councilman Hughes. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.



Councilman Klepeis made a motion to approve the General Fund vouchers as stated above, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. All in Favor: Aye.

Councilman Pryslopski made a motion to approve the Highway Fund vouchers as stated above, 2nd by Councilman Hughes. All in Favor: Aye.

Councilman Hughes made a motion to approve the Water Fund vouchers as stated above, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. All in Favor: 5 Yes.

Councilman Hughes made a motion to approve the Sewer Fund vouchers as stated above, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. All in Favor: 5 Yes.

Councilman Igoe made a motion to accept the RMC vouchers as stated above, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. All in Favor: 5 Yes.

Councilman Hughes made a motion to accept the Signature Only vouchers as stated above, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. All in Favor: 5 Yes.

Supervisor Walsh stated that as soon as the money comes in from NYPA they can pay Central Hudson for the purchase of the Street Lights. Supervisor Walsh thanked Senator Metzger for her work on this project.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to cancel the Workshop meeting for May 6th and to move the meeting on May 13th to 9:00am via Facebook Live, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. All in Favor: Aye.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to adjourn at 9:55 am, 2nd by Councilman Hughes. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mandy Donald
Town Clerk