Rosendale Seniors Benefits & Services
HOME > Rosendale Seniors Benefits & Services
10-07 2021 | General Announcements
Attention Rosendale Seniors
Benefits and Services are Available to you AT NO CHARGE!
Rosendale Library: 845-658-9013
Info about free book deliver, call Diane on Fridays
To learn about free tech and digital support, call the library to receive support over the phone or to arrange a one-hour appointment.
Nutrition and Dining Program
Must be a member of Office of the Aging to register, please call 845-340-3456
Fridays at the Recreation Center, you are invited to enjoy lunch, good company, and special events from 11 to 1
For home-delivered meals, five days a week, call 845-331-2496
Rosendale food Pantry Hot Line: 845-205-2822
Food will be delivered to your home
Comments or Questions? CALL: Barbara at 845-443-5644