Town Board March 3, 2021 Meeting Minutes

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March 3, 2021 | All Minutes

Town Board Workshop Meeting
March 3, 2021

Supervisor Walsh called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the flag followed by a moment of silence for Elizabeth (Betty) Jeanne Martin La Fera, Elizabeth Thiele, Rella A. Miller, Lila C. Lindemann and Duncan Scott Bey Sr.

Present via Zoom:                Supervisor Walsh

Councilman Pryslopski

Councilman Igoe

Councilman Klepeis

Councilwoman Wykoff

Also Present: Jill La Fera; Assistant to the Supervisor.

Supervisor Walsh announced that she had recently met with Congressman Delgado and was told that new legislation, if passed, will offer local government Covid Relief Funds. The Town of Rosendale is estimated to receive $1,081,000.00.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to accept the resignation of Mark Fuller effective 2/21/21, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to accept the resignation of Rae Brown effective 12/31/21, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to re-appoint Ann Houghtaling to the ZBA as Chair term expiring 12/31/25, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to re-appoint Joe Havranek to Planning Board as Vice-Chair term expiring 12/31/21, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to appoint Kelly McGuire to the Environmental Commission term expiring 12/31/21, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to hire Ashley Kraus as Temporary Recreation Program Assistant at $16.25 per diem effective 3/3/21, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

  1. Supervisor Walsh made a motion to approve the Junk Yard Permit Application for Doug Tyler and Son, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  2. Resolution 3-2021-#1 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale update the end date to waive the late fees for the 2021 tax bill payments to March 3, 2021, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  3. Resolution 3-2021-#2 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale has confirmed the Unlisted Action classification (as defined in 6 NYCRR Part 617.2), reviewed Part 1 of the SEAF and the site location figure, and approves circulation of said documents to Interested and Involved Agencies for the purposes of providing updated project details and for soliciting comments; and be it further resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale, together with the Town attorney and Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C., and hereby authorized to take all actions, serve all notices, and complete all documents in order to give full force and effect to this State Environmental quality review act process amendment for the Town of Rosendale Water System Improvements Projects, this resolution shall take effect immediately, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  4. Resolution 3-2021-#3 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale approves the design of the Sand Hill Water Tank replacement map and plans, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  5. Resolution 3-2021-#4 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale set the Public Hearing for increase and improvement of facilities of the Rosendale Water District in the Town of Rosendale, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  6. Resolution 3-2021-#5 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale request to accept proposals for mowing, trimming and basic upkeep of the Rosendale Plains Cemetery, proposals will be opened April 6, 2021 at 2:00pm, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  7. Resolution 3-2021-#6 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale approves the purchase of a new server for the Rosendale Police Department, 2nd Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Councilman Pryslopski made a motion to approve the vouchers, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.







Supervisor Walsh adjourned the meeting at 7:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alexis Vera

Deputy Town Clerk